GRAD — Your Guide To University Success
So, you’ve studied hard and have Grade 12 under the belt, with admirable marks to boot! The prospect of university to further prepare you for a bright and successful future is very exciting. Yet, at […]
So, you’ve studied hard and have Grade 12 under the belt, with admirable marks to boot! The prospect of university to further prepare you for a bright and successful future is very exciting. Yet, at […]
The World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs and Skills, stated that 65% of children who entered primary school in 2016 would ultimately end up working in completely new job types, that don’t yet exist. Amy […]
Oor die jare heen het die Noordelike Helpmekaar Studiefonds talle studente gehelp om hul drome te bewaarheid deur studielenings aan hulle te bewillig. ‘n Sprekende voorbeeld is Lindi Steyn wat vandag, 11 jaar nadat sy […]
When young adults go to university, they enter a different ‘world’. From food, to the people they meet on different levels, even their home life changes for those who stay at the student residence. Even […]
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